
the garten

englischergarten - munich, bavaria, germany.

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what's that? you want to purchase a print? cotdayam, that's a good idea! please e-mail me (from the q-lab main page) and i'll hook you up.

and yup, this photo is copyrighted, so please don't steal it.


red pepper heart

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what's that? you want to purchase a print? cotdayam, that's a good idea! please e-mail me (from the q-lab main page) and i'll hook you up.

and yup, this photo is copyrighted, so please don't steal it.


a captive audience

nazi amphitheatre - heidelberg, germany.

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what's that? you want to purchase a print? cotdayam, that's a good idea! please e-mail me (from the q-lab main page) and i'll hook you up.

and yup, this photo is copyrighted, so please don't steal it.



...over heidelberg.

heidelberg, germany.

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what's that? you want to purchase a print? cotdayam, that's a good idea! please e-mail me (from the q-lab main page) and i'll hook you up.

and yup, this photo is copyrighted, so please don't steal it.


"arbeit macht frei"

perhaps if working them to death was meant to free them from living in a real-world hell; how horribly true such an arrogant and heinous welcome now seems.

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what's that? you want to purchase a print? cotdayam, that's a good idea! please e-mail me (from the q-lab main page) and i'll hook you up.

and yup, this photo is copyrighted, so please don't steal it.