
iphone voicenotes ifunbox

have an iphone? using voicenotes to record voice notes (fitting, no?)? voicenotesync doesn't work for you?

1. get ifunbox.
2. navigate to user -> applications -> whichever folder contains the "voicenotes.app" folder -> documents
3. select the files you want to copy (they won't be labelled as they are in the voicenotes app)
4. right click
5. copy to pc

dead it.


drumroll, please...

so i'm not dead. and you're not reading this. because nobody does any more.

but that's not to stop me from writing anyway.

so here's a link that i hope you might find helpful. i try to be as healthy as i can be, and part of that attempt is realized in not putting crap on my body so that it might not end up in my body. but how to know what's crap, you ask? indeed! that is the question to ask. and
skin deep has some answers for you. searchable by product name, brand name, ingredients, and category.

use it.

be healthy.


the photo show

on may 2, 2009 i was part of a photo exhibit at the artery, and displayed 49 pieces that i wanted to share with my friends and family.

and lucky you! now i've made them available online as well, at my eponymous photo site.

maximize that browser window and then...


the sickness

not the one i've been afflicted with since last wednesday. the other kind of sickness - the one that kind of makes you a little bit nauseous to look at, and then makes your eyes bug out just a tad. the kind that offers you that haven't-experienced-it-for-so-long-that-it's-moderately-mind-blowing novelty of perspective.

i wish i knew the 'tog's name so i could give props galore. what a moment...

clickety-clackety, sucka.

like, whoa.


a tip for all y'all ebayers in canada...

if you're paying in foreign currency via paypal and you have an option between using CAD from i) your paypal balance, ii) your bank account, and iii) your credit card, i would suggest looking at your credit card exchange rate before deciding to use either of the first two options. on my foreign currency purchases, using my credit card (and consequently their exchange rate) saves me roughly 6% of the total transaction cost, on average.

stick it to the 'pal - use the visa, money.

here's to you and yours saving paper like some archives.



if ever you watch a formula 1 race, watch this weekend's brazilian grand prix.

i'm not afraid to admit that i shed a tear at the finish. it was that intense.

for real.


hells yes, sam harris

well said.

and on the canadian front... strategic voting anyone? methinks yes.